Trauma and PTSD Relief
There are any number of ways to remember a negative past event or incident. Most of them involve rehashing old problems, reliving them again and again. And each time they are thought about or retold, our unconscious mind relives them. As the subconscious mind replays the memory, it deletes, distorts and generalizes the information, changing it, so the memory is altered and can become more intense with time.
The unconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real (being in the actual experience) and what is unreal (remembering the event). It does not know that the memory is not the event. Instead, it produces the same neurochemicals, the same feelings and emotions in both instances. So that each time we remember an incident or accident, we have the same sensations as the actual event. If it was a pleasant event it, can be as wonderful and joyful as the original experience. If it was painful, it can be as difficult and hurtful as it once was.
If you are re-experiencing a painful event or accident, then you may be suffering, and experiencing trauma with each recollection, haunted by those past events and memories.
Hypnosis and NLP have demonstrated impressive results in helping individuals recover from trauma and PTSD. Various NLP process have proven effective in resolving traumatic memories and eliminating the self-defeating programming that these events have brought. These methods can be used to neutralize negative emotions from a past memory.
Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation is a method by which the program of a past memory is modified, so that the past memory that is causing limitations and painful emotions can change.
Timeline Therapy is a method by which negative emotions can be let go of and the mind can be brought to re-evaluate and reprocess past events in a new light, giving you the feeling of greater balance, of healing, peace and happiness.
The mind has a natural ability to heal and restore balance and ease (the condition of dis-ease is a state of a lack of balance and ease.) When given the guidance and information as to how to change and reprogram the mind, it seeks the comfort and calm of returning to the natural state of comfort.
NLP and PTSD: the Visual-Kenesthetic Dissociation Protocol